Welcome to ACIM, A Course in Miracles, where you will be enlightened with the knowledge of the Master Jesus Christ. Awakening into the secrets of this sacred art form will lead you into a new dimension of existence that you have never seen before. You will see things differently than before and the joy that comes will alter your life forever. You will experience a spiritual healing, personal growth, an increase of powers and abilities and spiritual evolution.
David Hoffmeister, author and life-long teacher of the sacred art of prophecy, has introduced a course in Miracles Awakenings. Through powerful practical application of his teachings, Hoffmeister hopes to inspire you to awaken from the slumber of apathy and doubt into a life of transformation and greatness. A course in miracles is an inspirational guide you can use to unleash the mysteries of your mind, spirit and soul. It gives you powerful tools to help you access your inner self and take back your control over life. The practical application of what the master tells you in his teachings can change your life and the lives of those around you for the better.
If you are looking for the ultimate secret to understanding the mysteries of your mind and spirit, the course in Miracles Awakenings is the one to choose. The ancient art of prophecy was developed by the ancient Jewish and Greek teachers of the Holy Spirit and they passed on the knowledge of it through the centuries. These teachers knew that when they spoke in terms of dreams, symbols, pictures and images, it meant the same thing as what today is known as "psychics" and "counselors." When they spoke of images, symbols, dreams and visions it meant the same thing as what is known today as "magicians," "stage psychics" and "mentalists." The master who wrote this masterpiece in the name of Jesus Christ used the language of symbolism to communicate his powerful message of hope and revival to the people.
Through the course in Miracles, the author hooks you right into the metaphysical meaning of the sacred Bible. You will discover how the meaning of the Bible directly relates to the meaning of your private thoughts and feelings. He takes you down through the rabbit hole so to speak, to a world of spiritual reality where all is one and all are one in spirit. The secrets of the sacred Bible are revealed and the reader is empowered to make positive changes within their lives. It gives the reader the ability to understand the deep mysteries of the universe and to transform all negative feelings into loving feelings.
David Hoffmeister is one of the best speakers that there is when it comes to using images, symbols, images and talking to people about spiritual truths. He has an uncanny ability to put thoughts into pictures and he does this through a combination of teaching, personal experience and by utilizing and applying meditation and contemplation. It is with this powerful mind control that he presents his teachings on a course in Miracles. It is a course in practical application that will allow you to make profound changes in your life.
If you have ever felt that something is wrong and have struggled to find answers, you can likely identify with the feelings that come along with unfulfilled prayers and unanswered questions. You may even have tried several prayers, unanswered questions and perhaps even sought the help of a psychic or medium to no avail. It is time for you to put a stop to this suffering. The course in Miracles is written for those who have decided to put a stop to the pain and suffering. The ten techniques that this workbook teaches are designed to not only instill a sense of gratitude and forgiveness within you but also to enable you to use the power of your mind to work through any problems that you are having in your life.